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Teitl: Training features of the competency approach for public servants
Awduron: Konstantiuk, Nataliia
Yekimov, Sergey
Kravchynska, Tetiana
German, Averboukh
Skotarenko, Oksana
Zhulikova, Olga
Affiliation: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Bibliographic description (International): German Averboukh, Tetiana Kravchynska, Oksana Skotarenko, Olga Zhulikova, Nataliia Konstantiuk, Yekimov Sergey (2020). Features of the competency approach for public servants traning. Journal of critical reviews, vol 7, ISSUE 11, pp. 1286-1291.
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: Jul-2020
Date of entry: 22-Sep-2020
Allweddeiriau: Civil servants
training of civil servants
skills development
forms of training
Crynodeb: The public service is an apparatus whose activity is aimed at fulfilling the tasks and functions of the state. The Law of Ukraine “On public service” says that the public service in Ukraine is a professional activity of people who hold positions in government bodies and apparatus for the practical implementation of tasks and functions of the state and receive wages from public funds. These persons are called public servants, and also have certain official powers.The effective functioning of the public service is inextricably linked with the process of selection and training, placement, retraining, education, evaluation and usage of personnel. Personnel work is a means of implementing personnel policy.Personnel work, according to Laski, Harold. (2007) should always be performed in five contexts that are parts of the overall system, although they can be explored separately. These are the following contexts:1) political -each country has its own political system, which constructs the specific socio-political conditions for personnel work;2) socio-economic -access to getting the education, choice of profession, the right to work, receivingmedical care and social protection;3) geographical -all personnel work, as a rule, is concentrated within certainterritorial and administrative borders;4) cultural -traditions, mentality, customs, beliefs;5) spiritual -social values and religious beliefs.
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Content type: Article
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