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Títol: Status, trends and development of the life insurance market in Ukraine and in the world in conditions of financial globalization
Autor: Малинич, Ганна Миколаївна
Бажанова, Наталія Володимирівна
Malynych, Hanna
Bazhanova, Nataliia
Affiliation: Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopi
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Malynych H. Status, trends and development of the life insurance market in Ukraine and in the world in conditions of financial globalization / Malynych Hanna, Bazhanova Nataliia // Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village 2 : Monograph. — Nysa : Publishing House of University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, 2019. — P. 233–243. — (Business & tourism).
Bibliographic description (International): Malynych H., Bazhanova N. (2019) Status, trends and development of the life insurance market in Ukraine and in the world in conditions of financial globalization. Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village 2 : Monograph (Nysa), pp. 233-243.
Is part of: Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village 2, 2019
Data de publicació: 25-de -2019
Date of entry: 9-de -2020
Editorial: Publishing House of University of Applied Sciences in Nysa
Paraules clau: life insurance market
cluster method
financial globalization
Number of pages: 11
Page range: 233-243
Start page: 233
End page: 243
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/32274
ISBN: 978-83-65881-19-9
Copyright owner: © Publishing House of University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, 2019
© Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, 2019
URL for reference material: https://zakon5.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/85/96-%D0%B2%D1%80
References (International): 1. Law of Ukraine «About insurance» (1996) [Online]. – Available at: https://zakon5.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/85/96-%D0%B2%D1%80 (accessed 10 September 2019) (in Ukrainian).
2. The Civil Code of Ukraine (2003) [Online]. – Available at: http: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/435-15 (accessed 10 September 2019) (in Ukrainian)
3. Voblyi K.G. (2001). Insurance Economy Foundations, Ternopil’, Ekonomichna Dumka, 2001 (in Russian).
4. Naghajchuk N. (2010). Insurance as a tool for crisis management, Herald of the Banking University, Vol.3 (9), рр.246–250. (in Ukrainian)
5. Nechiporuk L.V. (2012). Strengthening of a threat to the financial security of the state in conditions of financial globalization, Collection of scientific papers of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Vol.1, рр.281–298. (in Ukrainian)
6. Financial literacy, awareness and inclusion in Ukraine: research report (2017). [Online]. – Available at: https://bank.gov.ua/doccatalog/document?id=83136332 (accessed 10 September 2019) (in Ukrainian)
7. Insurance market in Ukraine: state, problems and prospects (analytical report of the Razmukov Center (2003), National security and defense, Vol. 6(42), рр.2–46. (in Ukrainian)
8. Zaljetov О. (2014). Influence of globalization of the world economy on state regulation of the insurance market, World of Finance, Vol. 2, рр.89–94. (in Ukrainian)
Content type: Book Chapter
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