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Заглавие: Determination of the Place Depressurization of Underground Pipelines in the Monitoring of Oil and Gas Enterprises
Автори: Yuzevych, Volodymyr
Horbonos, Fedir
Rogalskyi, Roman
Yemchenko, Iryna
Yasinskyi, Mykhailo
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Yuzevych, V., Horbonos, F., Rogalskyi, R., Yemchenko, I., & Yasinskyi, M. (2020). Determination of the Place Depressurization of Underground Pipelines in the Monitoring of Oil and Gas Enterprises // International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(1), 2274–2281. (ISSN 2277-3878).
Journal/Collection: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
Дата на Публикуване: 15-Май-2020
Date of entry: 23-Май-2020
Ключови Думи: depressurization of gas pipelines
gas transportation enterprises
pressure sensors
neural network
non-destructive testing
anode current
Page range: 2274–2281
Резюме: Analytical correlations of mathematical model that characterizes the processes of development of corrosive cavity on the surface of underground metallic pipeline are analysed. A pipeline in the environment of moist soil with solution of electrolyte is placed. In the top of cavity a crack appears and translates the system “underground pipeline (UP) – pumping station (PS)” in the state of depressurization. A new approach is proposed for diagnosing places of underground pipeline depressurization on the basis of two types of devices: pressure sensors and non-destructive testing devices, with the help of which we measure potentials and corrosion currents in surface defects. The presence of only pressure sensors makes it possible to set the coordinates of depressurization with a large error – 20…25%. Diagnosis of the pipeline only by devices BVS-K, VPP-M (at the first stage) allows to reveal surface defects. But this information is not enough for a qualitative experiment, as shown by the qualimetric quality criterion. Taking into account the pressure data in the second stage allows to determine which of the defects is the leakage point. A test example for the distance L1 = 6km from the pumping station of the pipeline is considered. The results of the experiment are used for the example and the growth time of the corrosion crack t* = 0.62 year is established. On the basis of computational experiment the errors of estimating of crack growth time t* and coordinates of the leakage points was established. They present 5…7 %. Based on the method of neural networks, the main informative parameters for determining the places of depressurization on the surface of the underground pipe are estimated. A method for estimating the gas pressure change in the vicinity of the crack after depressurization of the pipeline was proposed. The principles of determining the limit values of the parameters of the system “pipeline – pumping station” taking into account the criteria of quality and strength of the metal are formulated.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/31729
ISSN: 2277-3878
URL for reference material: http://www.ijrte.org/archive/
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