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Tytuł: Investigation of the sectional working body deformation of a flexible screw conveyor
Authors: Ivan, Hevko
Oleg, Liashuk
Andrij, Diachun
Viktor, Hud
Cytat: Owen, P.J. & Cleary, P.W. 2009.Prediction of Screw Conveyor Performance using the Discrete Element Method (DEM), Powder Technology. 193 (3):274-288. (in Ukraine). Fernandez J. W., Cleary P. W., & Bride W. 2009. Effect of screw design on hopper drawer by a horizontal screw feeder. Seventh international conference on CFD in the minerals and process industries, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia 9-11 December. (in Australia) Hu G., Chen J., Jian B., Wan H., & Liu L. 2010. Modeling and simulation of the transport system of screw conveyors by the discrete element method. International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE 2010. 5536244: 927-930; DOI: 10.1109/MACE.2010.5536244 (in Ukraine). Zareiforoush, H., Komarizadeh, M.H., & Alizadeh, M.R. 2010. The Effect of Crop-Screw Parameters on Raw Grain Damage in Handling a Horizontal Screw Conveyor. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment. (3-4): 494-499. DOI:10.1234/4.2010.3221 (in Ukraine). Rohatynskyi R.M., Hevko I.B., & Diachun A.E., 2014. Scientific and applied foundations of creation of screw transport and technological mechanisms. Scientific and Applied Fundamentals for the Creation of Screw ransport and Technological Mechanism. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733- 9429(2000)126:1(72) (in Ukraine). Gevko, B.M., & Rohatynskyi, R.M. 1989. Vintovyye podayushchiye mekhanizmy selskokhozyaystvennykh mashin. Screw feed mechanisms of agricultural machines. (in Ukraine) Leshchuk, R.Ya. 2003. Justification of structural-power parameters of sectional working bodies of screw mechanisms. Thesis of candidate tech Sciences. (in Ukraine). Gevko, I.B., Liashuk, O.L., Leshchuk, R.Y., Rohatynska, L.R., & Melnychuk, A.L. 2016. Investigation of bending for flexible screw sectional conveyors. INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering. Polytechnic University of Bucharest. 48(1): 35-42 (in Ukraine).Novasad, I. Ya. 2007. Technological support for manufacturing sections of working bodies of flexible screw conveyors diss. Thesis of candidate tech Sciences. (in Ukraine). Gevko, I.B., Leshchuk, R.Ya., & Novasad, I. Ya. 2005. Results of experimental research of screw reloading mechanisms, 10(3):78-84. (in Ukraine). Gevko, R. B., Vitrovyi, A. O., & Pik, A. I. 2012. Improvement of the technical level of flexible screw conveyors. (in ) Hevko B.M., Hevko R.B., Klendii O.M., Buriak M.V., Dzyadykevych Y.V., & Rozum R.I. 2018. Improvement of machine safety devices. Acta Polytechnica, Journal of Advanced Engineering. 58(1):17-25 (in Ukraine). Hevko R.B., Strishenets O.M., Lyashuk O.L., Tkachenko I.G., Klendii O.M., & Dzyura V.O. 2018. Development of a pneumatic screw conveyor design and substantiation of its parameters. INMATEH: Agricultural engineering, 54(1):153-160(in Ukraine). Lyashuk О.L., Sokil M.B., Klendiy V.М., Skyba O.P., & Slobodian L.М. 2018. Mathematical model of bending vibrations of a horizontal feeder-mixer along the flow of grain mixture. INMATEH Agricultural Engineering 55(2): 35-44 (in Ukraine). Hevko B., Lyashuk O., Sokil M., Skyba O., Marunych O., & Shmatko D. 2018.Dynamics of auger working body of a multifunctional conveyor. Bulletin of the Karaganda University. «Mathematics» series. 1(89):105-113. DOI: 10.31489/2018M1/105-112 (in Ukraine).
Bibliographic description: Owen, P.J. & Cleary, P.W. 2009.Prediction of Screw Conveyor Performance using the Discrete Element Method (DEM), Powder Technology. 193 (3):274-288. (in Ukraine). Fernandez J. W., Cleary P. W., & Bride W. 2009. Effect of screw design on hopper drawer by a horizontal screw feeder. Seventh international conference on CFD in the minerals and process industries, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia 9-11 December. (in Australia) Hu G., Chen J., Jian B., Wan H., & Liu L. 2010. Modeling and simulation of the transport system of screw conveyors by the discrete element method. International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE 2010. 5536244: 927-930; DOI: 10.1109/MACE.2010.5536244 (in Ukraine). Zareiforoush, H., Komarizadeh, M.H., & Alizadeh, M.R. 2010. The Effect of Crop-Screw Parameters on Raw Grain Damage in Handling a Horizontal Screw Conveyor. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment. (3-4): 494-499. DOI:10.1234/4.2010.3221 (in Ukraine). Rohatynskyi R.M., Hevko I.B., & Diachun A.E., 2014. Scientific and applied foundations of creation of screw transport and technological mechanisms. Scientific and Applied Fundamentals for the Creation of Screw ransport and Technological Mechanism. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733- 9429(2000)126:1(72) (in Ukraine). Gevko, B.M., & Rohatynskyi, R.M. 1989. Vintovyye podayushchiye mekhanizmy selskokhozyaystvennykh mashin. Screw feed mechanisms of agricultural machines. (in Ukraine) Leshchuk, R.Ya. 2003. Justification of structural-power parameters of sectional working bodies of screw mechanisms. Thesis of candidate tech Sciences. (in Ukraine). Gevko, I.B., Liashuk, O.L., Leshchuk, R.Y., Rohatynska, L.R., & Melnychuk, A.L. 2016. Investigation of bending for flexible screw sectional conveyors. INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering. Polytechnic University of Bucharest. 48(1): 35-42 (in Ukraine).Novasad, I. Ya. 2007. Technological support for manufacturing sections of working bodies of flexible screw conveyors diss. Thesis of candidate tech Sciences. (in Ukraine). Gevko, I.B., Leshchuk, R.Ya., & Novasad, I. Ya. 2005. Results of experimental research of screw reloading mechanisms, 10(3):78-84. (in Ukraine). Gevko, R. B., Vitrovyi, A. O., & Pik, A. I. 2012. Improvement of the technical level of flexible screw conveyors. (in ) Hevko B.M., Hevko R.B., Klendii O.M., Buriak M.V., Dzyadykevych Y.V., & Rozum R.I. 2018. Improvement of machine safety devices. Acta Polytechnica, Journal of Advanced Engineering. 58(1):17-25 (in Ukraine). Hevko R.B., Strishenets O.M., Lyashuk O.L., Tkachenko I.G., Klendii O.M., & Dzyura V.O. 2018. Development of a pneumatic screw conveyor design and substantiation of its parameters. INMATEH: Agricultural engineering, 54(1):153-160(in Ukraine). Lyashuk О.L., Sokil M.B., Klendiy V.М., Skyba O.P., & Slobodian L.М. 2018. Mathematical model of bending vibrations of a horizontal feeder-mixer along the flow of grain mixture. INMATEH Agricultural Engineering 55(2): 35-44 (in Ukraine). Hevko B., Lyashuk O., Sokil M., Skyba O., Marunych O., & Shmatko D. 2018.Dynamics of auger working body of a multifunctional conveyor. Bulletin of the Karaganda University. «Mathematics» series. 1(89):105-113. DOI: 10.31489/2018M1/105-112 (in Ukraine).
Journal/kolekcja: TEKA
Data wydania: 2019
Data archiwizacji: 2019
Date of entry: 6-lut-2020
Wydawca: Copyright by University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszów 2019 in co-operation with Lviv National Agrarian University 2019
Kraj (kod): PL
Place edycja: University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszów in co-operation with Lviv National Agrarian University
Słowa kluczowe: service cooperatives, parameters, modeling, efficiency, indicators, technological system
Zakres stron: 11-19
Seria / Raport nr: Quarterly journal of agri-food industry
Abstract: Flexible screw conveyors are used in various sectors of the national economy for the transfer of food and agricultural products, building materials, etc. In the process of transportation of goods with the help of flexible screw conveyors there is an overload often, resulting in significant deformations and breakdowns of elements of their working bodies. At the same time, high requirements relate to the reliability and durability of these mechanisms, along with the provision of high technical and economic indicators and low maintenance and repair costs. Therefore, when using flexible screw conveyors with sectional working bodies, it is important to determine the permissible loads and bending radii to avoid critical deformations. Taking advantage of the proposed model makes possible to develop new designs of the screw conveyer intake devices and to interpret their efficient parameters.
ISSN: 2657-9537
Właściciel praw autorskich: Ivan Hevko, Oleg Liashuk, Andrij Diachun, Viktor Hud
Typ zawartości: Article
Występuje w kolekcjach:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри автомобілів

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