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Pealkiri: Informational aspects of the haptic stimulation by the light for correction of the human functional state
Autor: Yavorskyy, Bohdan
Bachynskyy, Mychaylo
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Bachynskyy M.V., Yavorskyy B.I. Informational aspects of the haptic stimulation by the light for correction of the human functional state. Кибернетика и вычислительная техника, 2018, №1(191) p.60-78
Ilmumisaasta: 2018
Date of entry: 1-jaa-2020
Märksõnad: haptic stimulate, light, information biotechnical system
Page range: 60-78
Kokkuvõte: Introduction. The study of the laws and principles of information processes in the biological systems of the human body in extreme forms of its activities and the development of the theory of medical information systems of such appointment, taking into account the status and trends of convergence of society, ecosystems and technology become very relevant. This state of affairs makes it possible to affirm that it is an actual scientific and applied problem of radical change of the existing paradigm of designing information systems. The purpose of the article is to specify the informational aspects of low intensity, haptic stimulation by the light, which is essential for correction of the functional state of an organism of the human being, who works in extreme conditions, to develop and study such methods and systems. Methods. Analyses of requirements, functions and systems for designing synthesis of information technologies and the control biotechnical system of correction of the functional state of an organism of the human, who works in extreme conditions. The theoretical and experimental dependences between the stimulation energy of light emission diode (LED) and the energy are transferred through the layered bio media design. Mathematical modelling and computational simulation. Comparison of these real and model data. Results. The base aspects requirements, functions and systems for designing synthesis of information technologies and the control biotechnical system of correction of the functional state of an organism of the human, who works in extreme conditions, low intensity, haptic stimulation by the light are defined. The methods for determining of intensity I0 of light emission diode, recursive expression , and formula for coefficient Cm , where M — quantity of bio media layers were developed. The bridges, which connects Maxwell’s phenomenological theory with the atomistic theory of matter and optics, were used. Computer simulation studies have confirmed the specification of requirements, functional and structural schemas of biotechnical system. Conclusions. Thanking to specification of requirements possibility-using recursive determining of the light flux intensity after every bio media layer was got. Under the effect of recurstion low computation complexity was caused. Information technology means (for automation optimal control) of the human state under external influences on the organism was developed. Further study to confirm statistical significance in representative samples of observations was opened.
Content type: Article
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