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Titolo: Decentralization and Innovative Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development for the EU – Ukraine Cross - Border Cooperation
Autori: Bakushevych, Ivanna
Goshchynska, Daria
Martynyak, Iryna
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Bakushevych I. Decentralization And Innovative Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development For The Eu – Ukraine Cross - Border Cooperation / I. Bakushevych, D. Goshchynska, I. Martyniak / The Balanced Development Of National Economy Under The Conditions Of Modern World Transformations. Monograph.: Daugavpils, Republic of Latvia. – 2019. – Р.139-152.
Bibliographic description (International): Bakushevych, I., Goshchynska, D., Martyniak, I. (2019) Decentralization and Innovative Enterpreneurial Ecosystem development for the EU-Ukraine Cross-border Cooperation. The Balanced Development of National Economy Under the Conditions of Modern World Transformation. Monograph. Daugavpils, 2019. pp.139-152.
Data: 2019
Date of entry: 13-dic-2019
Editore: Daugavpils, Republic of Latvia
Place of the edition/event: Daugavpils, Republic of Latvia
UDC: 338.24:005.341
Parole chiave: decentralization, innovations, entrepreneurial ecosystem, cross-border cooperation
Page range: 139-152
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/29479
ISBN: 978-9934-8846-1-0
Copyright owner: © Іванна Бакушевич, 2019
© Дарія Гощинська, 2019
© Ірина Мартиняк, 2019
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