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Tytuł: Main theoretical basis of biosignals modeling
Authors: Palaniza, Yuri Bogdanovich
Dozorska, Oksana Fedorivna
Khvostivskiy, Mykola Orestovych
Dediv, Leonid Yevhenovych
Shadrina, Halyna Mykhaylivna
Cytat: Palaniza Y.B. Main theoretical basis of biosignals modeling / Y.B. Palaniza, H.M. Shadrina, M.O. Khvostivskiy, L.Ye. Dediv, O.F. Dozorska // Znanstvena misel in Slovenia: journal. – Ljubljana. – 2018. – #16. – Vol.1. – pp.39-44.
Bibliographic description: Palaniza Y.B. Main theoretical basis of biosignals modeling / Y.B. Palaniza, H.M. Shadrina, M.O. Khvostivskiy, L.Ye. Dediv, O.F. Dozorska // Znanstvena misel in Slovenia: journal. – Ljubljana. – 2018. – #16. – Vol.1. – pp.39-44.
Journal/kolekcja: Znanstvena misel in Slovenia: journal.
Data wydania: 2018
Date of entry: 1-paź-2019
Wydawca: Znanstvena misel in Slovenia: journal. – Ljubljana
Słowa kluczowe: biosignal
mathematical model
simulation model
algorithms for heart pathology detecting
ISSN: 3124-1123
Właściciel praw autorskich: Dozorska O.F., 2018
Dediv L.YE., 2018
Palaniza Y.B., 2018
Shadrina H.M., 2018
Khvostivskiy M.O., 2018
References: 1. Dragan Y. Power theory of linear models of sto- chastic signals: - Lviv, Center for Strategic Studies of eco-bio-technical systems, 1997. - ХVІ + 333с.
2. Palaniza Y.B. Modern approaches to the phono- cardiosignal processing and its mathematical model in the periodically correlated random process form / Y.B. Palaniza // Bulletin of the Khmelnytsky National Uni- versity. Technical sciences - 2016. - Issue. 2 (235). - pp. 90-93.
3. Dragan Y.P. Description of tone cardiosignals using the model of periodically correlated processes / Y.P. Dragan G.M. Osukhivskaya // Problems of Man- agement and Informatics - 1999.
4. Dragan Ya.P. MODEL OF THE TEST SIGNAL NOISE IN CHANNELS WITH DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING. / Dragan Ya.P., Yavorskii B.I. // Radioelectronics and Communications Systems (English translation of Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Z. , 1986 — vol. 29, no. 9. — 17-21 — ISSN 00337870.
5. Dragan Ya.P. Information ability specificity of periodically correlated and related random processes as rhythmic stochastic models / Dragan Ya.P., Sikora L.S., Yavorskij B.I. // Problemy Upravleniya I In- formatiki (Avtomatika). , 1997 — no. 6. — 96-109 — ISSN 05722691.
Typ zawartości: Article
Występuje w kolekcjach:Навчальна література кафедри біотехнічних систем

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