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Títol: Influence of stress ratio on functional fatigue of pseudoelastic NiTi alloy
Autor: Iasnii, Volodymyr
Yasniy, Petro
Affiliation: Department of Structural Mechanics, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ruska str. 56,46001, Ternopil, Ukraine
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): V. Iasnii, P. Yasniy. Influence of stress ratio on functional fatigue of pseudoelastic NiTi alloy. Book of abstracts of the 6th International Conference “Fracture Mechanics of Materials and Structural Integrity”, 2019, pp. 40-41
Conference/Event: 6th International Conference “Fracture Mechanics of Materials and Structural Integrity”
Data de publicació: de -2019
Date of entry: 10-de -2019
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Lviv
Paraules clau: pseudoelastic alloy, energy dissipation, residual stress, stress ratio
Page range: 40-41
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/28734
References (International): 1. Iasnii V., Yasniy P. Experimental study of pseudoelastic NiTi alloy under cyclic loading. Scientific Journal of TNTU, 92(4) (2018) 7-14.
2. Iasnii V., Junga R. Phase Transformations and Mechanical Properties of the Nitinol Alloy with Shape Memory, Materials Science, 54(3) (2018) 406–411.
Content type: Conference Abstract
Apareix a les col·leccions:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри будівельної механіки

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