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Title: Математичні моделі світлового забруднення атмосфери
Authors: Семків, Юрій Мирославович
Касаркевич, Валерій Станіславович
Affiliation: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Семків Ю.М. Математичні моделі світлового забруднення атмосфери / Семків Ю.М., Касаркевич В. С. – Тернопіль: ТНТУ - 2019. - 62 с.
Issue Date: 2019
Date of entry: 3-Jul-2019
Publisher: ТНТУ ім. І.Пулюя
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Тернопіль
UDC: 520.16
Number of pages: 62
Abstract: This work is carried out within the framework of cooperation between the astronomical observatory of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and the Ivan Polya Ternopil State Technical University on the study of light atmospheric pollution. In our works, published in the magazine "Light" [1,2], the authors drew attention to the urgency of the problem of light pollution of the atmosphere. Formulation of scientific problem and its significance. The phenomenon of light pollution occurs as a result of artificial light directed upwards. Light pollution - illumination of the night sky artificial sources of light, whose light dissipates in the lower atmosphere. Sometimes this phenomenon is also called light smog. The main sources of light pollution are large cities and industrial complexes. Among the ground observatories is the darkest sky at the Mauna Kea Observatory in the Hawaiian Islands. The observatory is located at an altitude of 4700 m. There, the brightness of the sky is 23m / sq. Second (5.8 × 10-5 cd / m2). At most observatories, the brightness of the sky is 22.5m / sq. seconds (10-4 cd / m2) is considered superb. Artificial lighting should not increase the background brightness which is measured at a height of 450 by more than 10% (107 / 4π photon Nm-1 cm-2 s-1) or 174 μcd / m2 One of the consequences of excessive use of artificial light is the loss of energy. "International Dark Sky Association" claims to be on the night light More than USD 1.5 billion is spent annually around the world, and more than 12 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced, leading to greenhouse gases. Light pollution is not just an astronomical or environmental problem, but also an acute issue of energy efficiency. The economic costs of illuminating the upper hemisphere of the space are billions of euro annually. According to research from Philips, only replacing outdated designs of light-emitting diodes and light sources can reduce CO2 emissions by 3.5 million tonnes annually. The purpose of the work is to simulate light pollution, taking into account meteorological conditions and the structure of light sources of cities, analysis of the application of existing units of measurement of brightness.
Copyright owner: © Семків Ю.М., Касаркевич В.С., 2019
References (Ukraine): 1. Семків Ю.М., Андрійчук В.А., Касаркевич В.С. Світлове забруднення атмосфери: астрономічний аспект проблеми / Юрій Мирославович Семків, Володимир Андрійович Андрійчук, Валерій Станіславович Касаркевич // Журнал «Світло люкс». – 2010. – (Фактор світла). 2. Семків Ю. М., Андрійчук В. А. Світлове забруднення атмосфери: стан та перспективи вирішення // Журнал «Світло люкс». – 2008. - №3. – С.. 74-77. – (Фактор світла 3 Енергосбереження та технічна політика в галузі освітлення.// Журнал «Світло люкс». – 2006. - №2. – С.. 17-19. 4. Климчик В.У.: Атмосферная нестабильность и адаптивный телескоп, Ленинград; Наука 1988. 5. Steve Albers, Dan Duriscoe: Modeling Light Pollution from population Data and implication for National Park Service Lands. Protecting Dark Skies. 6. М.И. Крутик, В.П. Майоров Люмены, канделы, ватты и фотоны. Различные единицы - различные результаты измерения чувствительности телевизионных камер на основе ЭОП и ПЗС "Специальная техника", №5, 2002г., 7.THE JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF CANADAVol. 70, No. 3 JUNE 1976 Whole No. 540 LIGHT POLLUTION IN SOUTHERN ONTARIOBy Richard Berry
Content type: Book
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