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Titolo: Reliability Estimation of Transport Means Elements Under the Action of Cyclic Loads and Corrosive Environment
Autori: Popovych, Pavlo
Shevchuk, Oksana
Dzyura, V.
Affiliation: Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University, Department of transporting technology and mechanics
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): P. V. Popovych. Reliability Estimation of Transport Means Elements Under the Action of Cyclic Loads and Corrosive Environment/ P. V. Popovych, O. S. Shevchuk, Volodymyr Dzyura. //International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering ISSN: 2229-8649 (Print); ISSN: 2180-1606 (Online)Volume 15, Issue 4pp. 5793-5802 Dec2018© Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Bibliographic description (International): P. V. Popovych. Reliability Estimation of Transport Means Elements Under the Action of Cyclic Loads and Corrosive Environment/ P. V. Popovych, O. S. Shevchuk, Volodymyr Dzyura. //International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering ISSN: 2229-8649 (Print); ISSN: 2180-1606 (Online)Volume 15, Issue 4pp. 5793-5802 Dec2018© Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Data: dic-2018
Date of entry: 29-dic-2018
Editore: Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Parole chiave: Residual life;corrosive environment;stress intensity factor;thin-walled ele-ments;corrosion-fatigue cracks
Abstract: The approach for determining the residual lifeofthe vehicles’thin-walled metal elements with cracks under the action of cyclic loads and corrosive environment isdevelopedbased on the first law of thermodynamics and the fracture mechanics principles. Based onthe results of the mathematical description of electrochemical reactions and separate data of fracturemechanics, the equation describing the kinetics of thecorrosion-fatigue cracks propagation is deduced. This equationand the initial and final conditionsarea mathemat-ical model for determining the residual lifeof structural elements.The correctness of the developed analyticalmodels is confirmed by the experimental data known in the litera-ture. The performance of this modelis demonstrated on the example of determining the residual life of a plate made of 17G1Ssteel. The plate wasdiluted by a crack in a 3% NaCl solutionandsubjected to cyclic loading.An increase in the initial size of corrosion-fatigue cracksis significant to reducethe period of their subcritical growth.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/26956
ISSN: 2180-1606 (Online)
References (Ukraine): [1]Schijve J. The significance of fatigue crack initiation for predictions of the fatigue limit of specimens and structures. International Journal of Fatigue2014; 61: 39–45.[2]Dmytrakh IM, Smiyan OD, Syrotyuk AM, Bilyy OL. Relationship between fa-tigue crack growth behaviour and local hydrogen concentration near crack tip in pipeline steel.International Journal of Fatigue 2013;50: 26–32.[3]Bilotta G,Arzaghi M,Hénaff G,Benoit G, Moriconi C,Halm D. Hydrogen as-sisted fatigue crack growth in a precipitation-hardened martensitic stainless steel under gaseous hydrogen. Proc. ASME. 46049. 2014; 6B: Materials and Fabrica-tion, V06BT06A014: PVP2014-28381/doi: 10.1115/PVP2014-28381.[4]Andreikiv OE, Lysyk AR, Shtayura NS, Babii AV. Evaluation of the residual ser-vice life of thin-walled structural elements with short corrosion-fatigue cracks.Materials Science 2017; 4: 514–521.[5]Andreikiv OE, Dolinska IYa, Lysyk AR, SasNB. The calculation model of prop-agation of corrosion-mechanical cracks at high temperatures.Materials Science 2017; 1:34–40. [6]Popovich PV, Barna RA. Influence of operating media on the fatigue fracture of steels for elements of agricultural machines.Materials Science 2014; 50, 3: 377–380.[7]Maruschak PO, Sorochak AP, Konovalenko IV. Stereoscopic analysis of the stretch zone of a steel specimen cut out of a railway axle and tested for static fracture toughness.Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 2015: 15 (3); 436-440.[8]Yasniy O, Lapusta Y, Pyndus Y, Sorochak A, Yasniy V. Assessment of lifetime of railway axle.International Journal of Fatigue2013; 50: 40 –46.[9]Dmytrakh IM, Syrotyuk AM, Leshchak RL. Methods for the investigation the specific features of interaction of deformed metal surfaces of pipelines with hy-drogen-containing media.Nauk. Visn. Ivano-Frank. Nats. Univ. Nafty Gazu2013; 35(2); 144-154.[10]Panasyuk, VV, Ivanyts’kyi YL, Hembara ОV, Boiko VM. Influence of the stress-strain state on the distribution of hydrogen concentration in the process zone.Ma-terials Science 2014; 50(3); 315-323.[11]Chamat A, Aden-Ali S, Gilgert J, Petitc E.and all. Crack behaviour in zinc coating and at theinterface zinc-hot galvanised TRIP steel 800. Engineering Fracture Me-chanics 2013; 114: 15–25.[12]BilottaG, Arzaghi M, Hénaff G, Benoit G, Halm D. Hydrogen induced intergranular failure inarmco iron under fatigue crack propagation. ASME. Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2016; 6B: V06BT06A026; PVP2016-63338.[13]Liu ZY, Wang XZ, Du CW, Li JK, Li XG, Liu ZY, Wang XZ, Du CW, Li JK, Li XG. Effect of hydrogen-induced plasticity on the stress corrosion cracking of X70 pipeline steel in simulated soil environments.Materials Science and Engineering A 2016; 658: 348-354.[14]Moustabchir H, Arbaoui J, Zitouni A, Hariri S., Dmytrakh, I.Numerical analysis of stress intensity factor and T-stress in pipeline of steel P264GH submitted to loading conditions.Journalof Theoretical and Applied Mechanics2015: 53(3);665-672.[15]Andreikiv OE, Dobrovol’s’ka LN, Yavors’ka NV. Computational model of crack propagation in bimetallic materials for high concentrations of hydrogen and high temperatures.Materials Science 2015;51, 1:76−8.[16]Popovych P, Shevchuk O, Dzyura V, Poberezhna L, Dozorskyy V, Hrytsanchuk A.Assessment of the influence of corrosive aggressive cargo transportation on vehicle reliability.Іnternational Journal of Engineering Researchin Africa 2018; 38: 17-25.[17]PopovychPV, LyashukOL, MurovanyiIS, DzyuraVO, ShevchukOS, MyndyukVD. The service life evaluation of fertilizer spreaders undercarriages.INMATEH-Agricultural Engineering 2016; 50(3): 39–46.[18]Popovych PV, Lyashuk OL, Shevchuk OS, Tson OP, Bortnyk IM, Poberezhna LYa. Influence of organic operation environment on corrosion properties of metal structure materials of vehicles.INMATEH-Agricultural Engineering 2017; 52(2): 113–119.[19]Andreikiv OE, Kukhar VZ, Dolinska IYa. Propagation of high-temperature creep cracks in metals subjected to neutron irradiation (a survey). Materials Science2015;51, 3:299–310. [20]Andreikiv ОE,Yavors’ka NV, Kukhar VZ. Mathematical models for estimating the residual life of plates with systemsof cracks under the action of long-term static loads, high temperatures, and hydrogen.Journal of Mathematical Sciences2016;212, 2:121–130.[21]Dmytrakh, IM, Leshchak, RL, Syrotyuk AM, Barna RA.Effect of hydrogen con-centration on fatigue crack growth behaviour in pipeline steel.International Jour-nal of Hydrogen Energy2017; 42, 9: 6401-6408.[22]Turnbull A. Perspectives on hydrogen uptake, diffusion and trapping.Interna-tional Journal of Hydrogen Energy2015; 40(47):16961-16970.[23]CapelleG, DmytrakhJ,AzariI,PluvinageZ.Evaluation of electrochemical hy-drogen absorption in welded pipe with steel API X52.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy2013;38(33):14356-14363.[24]Kosarevych RY,Svirs'Ka LM,Rusyn BP,Nykyforchyn HM. Computer analysis of characteristic elements of fractographic images.Materials Science 2013: 48(4); 474-481.[25]Djukic, MB,Sijacki Zeravcic, V,Bakic,SedmakGM, Rajicic B. Hydrogen dam-age of steels: A case study and hydrogen embrittlement model.Engineering Fail-ure Analysis 2015: 2(58);485-498. [26]Syrotyuk AM. Determination of the period of formation ofa corrosion-fatigue crack in pipelines of power-generating equipment.Visn. Dal’ Skhidnoukr. Nats. Univ 2013: 198(9); 185-190. [27]Qian X. Failure assessment diagrams for circular hollow section X-and K-joints.International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 2013: 104; 43-56.[28]Lu K,Meshii T. Three-dimensional T-stresses for three-point-bend specimens with large thickness variation.Engineering Fracture Mechanics2014: 116; 197-203.[29]Dmytrakh IM,Syrotyuk AM,Lutyts’kyi OL. Comparative investigations of the fracture processes in pipes under thepressure of gaseous hydrogen and pure me-thane.Rozv. Rozrob. Naft. Gaz. Rodov2013: 49(4); 34-44.[30]Andreikiv АY,Darchuk АI. Fatigue failure and durability of structures. Naukova Dumka;1992.[31]Andreikiv ОY, Кіt МB. Determination of residual durability of thin-walled ele-ments of structures at two-axis load.Physical-chemical mechanics of materials 2006: 1; 11-16.[32]Andreikiv ОY, Кіt МB. Determination of the period before the critical growth of cracks in the elements of structures at their two frequency loadю. Mechanical En-gineering2006: 2; 3-9.
References (International): [1]Schijve J. The significance of fatigue crack initiation for predictions of the fatigue limit of specimens and structures. International Journal of Fatigue2014; 61: 39–45.[2]Dmytrakh IM, Smiyan OD, Syrotyuk AM, Bilyy OL. Relationship between fa-tigue crack growth behaviour and local hydrogen concentration near crack tip in pipeline steel.International Journal of Fatigue 2013;50: 26–32.[3]Bilotta G,Arzaghi M,Hénaff G,Benoit G, Moriconi C,Halm D. Hydrogen as-sisted fatigue crack growth in a precipitation-hardened martensitic stainless steel under gaseous hydrogen. Proc. ASME. 46049. 2014; 6B: Materials and Fabrica-tion, V06BT06A014: PVP2014-28381/doi: 10.1115/PVP2014-28381.[4]Andreikiv OE, Lysyk AR, Shtayura NS, Babii AV. Evaluation of the residual ser-vice life of thin-walled structural elements with short corrosion-fatigue cracks.Materials Science 2017; 4: 514–521.[5]Andreikiv OE, Dolinska IYa, Lysyk AR, SasNB. The calculation model of prop-agation of corrosion-mechanical cracks at high temperatures.Materials Science 2017; 1:34–40. [6]Popovich PV, Barna RA. Influence of operating media on the fatigue fracture of steels for elements of agricultural machines.Materials Science 2014; 50, 3: 377–380.[7]Maruschak PO, Sorochak AP, Konovalenko IV. Stereoscopic analysis of the stretch zone of a steel specimen cut out of a railway axle and tested for static fracture toughness.Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 2015: 15 (3); 436-440.[8]Yasniy O, Lapusta Y, Pyndus Y, Sorochak A, Yasniy V. Assessment of lifetime of railway axle.International Journal of Fatigue2013; 50: 40 –46.[9]Dmytrakh IM, Syrotyuk AM, Leshchak RL. Methods for the investigation the specific features of interaction of deformed metal surfaces of pipelines with hy-drogen-containing media.Nauk. Visn. Ivano-Frank. Nats. Univ. Nafty Gazu2013; 35(2); 144-154.[10]Panasyuk, VV, Ivanyts’kyi YL, Hembara ОV, Boiko VM. Influence of the stress-strain state on the distribution of hydrogen concentration in the process zone.Ma-terials Science 2014; 50(3); 315-323.[11]Chamat A, Aden-Ali S, Gilgert J, Petitc E.and all. Crack behaviour in zinc coating and at theinterface zinc-hot galvanised TRIP steel 800. Engineering Fracture Me-chanics 2013; 114: 15–25.[12]BilottaG, Arzaghi M, Hénaff G, Benoit G, Halm D. Hydrogen induced intergranular failure inarmco iron under fatigue crack propagation. ASME. Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 2016; 6B: V06BT06A026; PVP2016-63338.[13]Liu ZY, Wang XZ, Du CW, Li JK, Li XG, Liu ZY, Wang XZ, Du CW, Li JK, Li XG. Effect of hydrogen-induced plasticity on the stress corrosion cracking of X70 pipeline steel in simulated soil environments.Materials Science and Engineering A 2016; 658: 348-354.[14]Moustabchir H, Arbaoui J, Zitouni A, Hariri S., Dmytrakh, I.Numerical analysis of stress intensity factor and T-stress in pipeline of steel P264GH submitted to loading conditions.Journalof Theoretical and Applied Mechanics2015: 53(3);665-672.[15]Andreikiv OE, Dobrovol’s’ka LN, Yavors’ka NV. Computational model of crack propagation in bimetallic materials for high concentrations of hydrogen and high temperatures.Materials Science 2015;51, 1:76−8.[16]Popovych P, Shevchuk O, Dzyura V, Poberezhna L, Dozorskyy V, Hrytsanchuk A.Assessment of the influence of corrosive aggressive cargo transportation on vehicle reliability.Іnternational Journal of Engineering Researchin Africa 2018; 38: 17-25.[17]PopovychPV, LyashukOL, MurovanyiIS, DzyuraVO, ShevchukOS, MyndyukVD. The service life evaluation of fertilizer spreaders undercarriages.INMATEH-Agricultural Engineering 2016; 50(3): 39–46.[18]Popovych PV, Lyashuk OL, Shevchuk OS, Tson OP, Bortnyk IM, Poberezhna LYa. Influence of organic operation environment on corrosion properties of metal structure materials of vehicles.INMATEH-Agricultural Engineering 2017; 52(2): 113–119.[19]Andreikiv OE, Kukhar VZ, Dolinska IYa. Propagation of high-temperature creep cracks in metals subjected to neutron irradiation (a survey). Materials Science2015;51, 3:299–310. [20]Andreikiv ОE,Yavors’ka NV, Kukhar VZ. Mathematical models for estimating the residual life of plates with systemsof cracks under the action of long-term static loads, high temperatures, and hydrogen.Journal of Mathematical Sciences2016;212, 2:121–130.[21]Dmytrakh, IM, Leshchak, RL, Syrotyuk AM, Barna RA.Effect of hydrogen con-centration on fatigue crack growth behaviour in pipeline steel.International Jour-nal of Hydrogen Energy2017; 42, 9: 6401-6408.[22]Turnbull A. Perspectives on hydrogen uptake, diffusion and trapping.Interna-tional Journal of Hydrogen Energy2015; 40(47):16961-16970.[23]CapelleG, DmytrakhJ,AzariI,PluvinageZ.Evaluation of electrochemical hy-drogen absorption in welded pipe with steel API X52.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy2013;38(33):14356-14363.[24]Kosarevych RY,Svirs'Ka LM,Rusyn BP,Nykyforchyn HM. Computer analysis of characteristic elements of fractographic images.Materials Science 2013: 48(4); 474-481.[25]Djukic, MB,Sijacki Zeravcic, V,Bakic,SedmakGM, Rajicic B. Hydrogen dam-age of steels: A case study and hydrogen embrittlement model.Engineering Fail-ure Analysis 2015: 2(58);485-498. [26]Syrotyuk AM. Determination of the period of formation ofa corrosion-fatigue crack in pipelines of power-generating equipment.Visn. Dal’ Skhidnoukr. Nats. Univ 2013: 198(9); 185-190. [27]Qian X. Failure assessment diagrams for circular hollow section X-and K-joints.International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 2013: 104; 43-56.[28]Lu K,Meshii T. Three-dimensional T-stresses for three-point-bend specimens with large thickness variation.Engineering Fracture Mechanics2014: 116; 197-203.[29]Dmytrakh IM,Syrotyuk AM,Lutyts’kyi OL. Comparative investigations of the fracture processes in pipes under thepressure of gaseous hydrogen and pure me-thane.Rozv. Rozrob. Naft. Gaz. Rodov2013: 49(4); 34-44.[30]Andreikiv АY,Darchuk АI. Fatigue failure and durability of structures. Naukova Dumka;1992.[31]Andreikiv ОY, Кіt МB. Determination of residual durability of thin-walled ele-ments of structures at two-axis load.Physical-chemical mechanics of materials 2006: 1; 11-16.[32]Andreikiv ОY, Кіt МB. Determination of the period before the critical growth of cracks in the elements of structures at their two frequency loadю. Mechanical En-gineering2006: 2; 3-9.
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