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Tytuł: The influence of bulk material flow on technical and economical performance of a screw conveyor
Inne tytuły: Вплив потоку сипкого матеріалу на техніко-економічні показники роботи гвинтового конвеєра
Authors: Hevko, Roman Bohdanovych
Baranovsky, Viktor Mykolaiovych
Lyashuk, Oleh Leontiiovych
Pohrishchuk, Borys Vasyliovych
Gumeniuk, Yurii Petrovych
Klendii, Oleksandra Mykolaivna
Dobizha, Natalia Volodymyrivna
Cytat: Hevko R.B., Baranovsky V.M., Lyashuk O.L., Pohrishchuk B.V., Gumeniuk Y.P., Klendii O.M., Dobizha N.V. The influence of bulk material flow on technical and economical performance of a screw conveyor // INMATEH: Agricultural engineering, vol.56, no.3, 2018, pp.175-184
Data wydania: 2018
Date of entry: 25-gru-2018
Wydawca: INMATEH: Agricultural engineering
Place edycja: Bucharest, Romania
Słowa kluczowe: flow movement
bulk material
impact of material particles
rational parameters
changes in energy consumption
Zakres stron: 175-184
Abstract: The paper covers theoretical investigations of the movement of bulk material flow when it is fed by a pneumatic screw conveyor. Process calculation of the impact of bulk material particles during their transportation in guiding covers has been conducted. A mathematical model, which characterizes the overall energy spent on the impact of two particles, depending on impact velocity, physical and mechanical properties of bodies and impact conditions, has been developed. The limits of design and kinematic parameters that provide the effective application of pneumatic screw conveyors for transporting bulk materials have been defined.
Właściciel praw autorskich: © INMATEH: Agricultural engineering, 2018
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Typ zawartości: Article
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