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Título: Substantiation of capacity of screw conveyer of haulm-cutting module
Autor: Цьонь, Ганна Богданівна
Рибак, Тимофій Іванович
Щур, Тарас Григорович
Сташків, Микола Ярославович
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Anna Tson, Substantiation of capacity of screw conveyer of haulm-cutting module, Anna Tson, Tymofii Rybak, Mykola Stashkiv, Taras Shchur Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University, MOTROL. Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture – 2018. Vol.20. No.1. 83-89
Data: 2018
Submitted date: 2018
Date of entry: 4-Out-2018
Editora: MOTROL
Country (code): PL
Place of the edition/event: Польща
Palavras-chave: haulm-cutting module
per-second feed
screw (spiral) conveyer
Page range: 83-89
Resumo: The haulm-cutting module parameters based on the analysis of technological process of displacement of the plant components cut by a spiral conveyer have been substantiated in the article. Technological interrelation between structural-kinematic parameters of screw conveyer and per-second feed of plant components has been found dealing with the required capacity. To provide the best running of screw conveyer of haulm-cutting module the rational parameters of its process operation have been set.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/25983
Copyright owner: © Цьонь, Рибак, Щур, Сташків
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