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Título : Justification of rational parameters of a pneumoconveyor screw feeder
Otros títulos : Обґрунтування раціональних параметрів живильника пневмошнекового транспортера
Autor : Baranovsky, Viktor Mykolaiovych
Hevko, Roman Bohdanovych
Dzyura, Volodymyr Oleksiyovych
Klendii, Oleksandra Mykolaivna
Klendii, Mykola Bohdanovych
Romanovsky, Roman Mykhailovych
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Baranovsky V.M., Hevko R.B., Dzyura V.O., Klendii O.M., Klendii M.B., Romanovsky R.M. Justification of rational parameters of a pneumoconveyor screw feeder // INMATEH: Agricultural engineering, vol.54, no.1, 2018, pp.15-24
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Submitted date: 2018
Date of entry: 16-jul-2018
Editorial : INMATEH: Agricultural engineering
Place of the edition/event: Bucharest, Romania
Code and name of the specialty: 15-24
Palabras clave : feeder
pneumoconveyor screw
loose material
curvilinear route
Resumen : The article presents the justification of rational parameters of the operating parts of a pneumoconveyor screw. The dependences of pressure screw efficiency on the change in design and kinematic parameters and process variables of a screw and on loose material characteristics have been considered. In addition, general analysis of the choice substantiation of a feeder pressure screw diameter and the cross-sectional area of a hopper loading opening, which provides the required efficiency of a pneumoconveyor screw, has been conducted.
URI : http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/25901
Copyright owner: © INMATEH: Agricultural engineering
References (Ukraine): 1. Halka R.I., Hevko R.B., Nazar I.I., Hevko I.B., Malanchyn A.M. Bezpalok A.P., (2001) – Screw Pneumatic Conveyer (Шнековий пневматичний транспортер), Patent № 34329А Ukraine, МPК В65G 53/48;
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Content type: Article
Aparece en las colecciones: Наукові публікації працівників кафедри технології машинобудування

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