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Titre: Main theoretical basis of biosignals modeling
Auteur(s): Shadrina, Halyna Mykhaylivna
Khvostivskiy, Mykola Orestovich
Dediv, Leonid Yevhenovych
Dozorska, Oksana Fedorivna
Palaniza, Yuri Bogdanovich
Affiliation: TNTU, kaf.BT
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Palaniza Y.B. Main theoretical basis of biosignals modeling / Y.B. Palaniza, H.M. Shadrina, M.O. Khvostivskiy, L.Ye. Dediv, O.F. Dozorska // Znanstvena misel in Slovenia: journal. – Ljubljana. – 2018. – #16. – Vol.1. – pp.39-44.
Bibliographic description (International): Palaniza Y.B. Main theoretical basis of biosignals modeling / Y.B. Palaniza, H.M. Shadrina, M.O. Khvostivskiy, L.Ye. Dediv, O.F. Dozorska // Znanstvena misel in Slovenia: journal. – Ljubljana. – 2018. – #16. – Vol.1. – pp.39-44.
Date de publication: 2018
Date of entry: 29-mar-2018
Editeur: Znanstvena misel in Slovenia: journal. – Ljubljana.
Country (code): SK
Mots-clés: biosignal
mathematical model
algorithms for heart pathology detecting
simulation model
Résumé: The phonocardiosignal (PCS) synchronously registered with electrocardiosignal simulation model was de- veloped in this work using the methods as: the real signal envelope calculation, the real PCS signal approximation using the piecewise, bandpass filtration for “frequency-filling vector” and band-limited white noise calculation. The software in the MATLAB environment for the PCS simulation as the means of heart pathology detection algorithms verification in cardiac diagnostic systems was developed.
Palaniza Y.B. Modern approaches to the phono- cardiosignal processing and its mathematical model in the periodically correlated random process form / Y.B. Palaniza // Bulletin of the Khmelnytsky National Uni- versity. Technical sciences - 2016. - Issue. 2 (235). - pp. 90-93.
Dragan Ya.P. MODEL OF THE TEST SIGNAL NOISE IN CHANNELS WITH DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING. / Dragan Ya.P., Yavorskii B.I. // Radioelectronics and Communications Systems (English translation of Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Z. , 1986 — vol. 29, no. 9. — 17-21 — ISSN 00337870.
Content: TECHNICAL SCIENCES Palaniza Y.B., Shadrina H.M.,Khvostivskiy M.O., Dediv L.Ye.,Dozorska O.F. MAIN THEORETICAL BASIS OF BIOSIGNALS MODELING ........................................................... 39 Fayziboev Sh.S.,Samborskaya N.А., Soboleva I.Yu., Mamayev Sh.I., Аbdumannapova F.E. METHOD OF EXPERIMENTAL ESTIMATION OF DEFORMATIONS ON THE SURFACE OF A SIMPLE BANDAGE ..............................................
ISSN: 3124-1123
Copyright owner: Palaniza
URL for reference material:
References (International): Dragan Y. Power theory of linear models of sto- chastic signals: - Lviv, Center for Strategic Studies of eco-bio-technical systems, 1997. - ХVІ + 333с.
Dragan Y.P. Description of tone cardiosignals using the model of periodically correlated processes / Y.P. Dragan G.M. Osukhivskaya // Problems of Man- agement and Informatics - 1999.
Dragan Ya.P. Information ability specificity of periodically correlated and related random processes as rhythmic stochastic models / Dragan Ya.P., Sikora L.S., Yavorskij B.I. // Problemy Upravleniya I In- formatiki (Avtomatika). , 1997 — no. 6. — 96-109 — ISSN 05722691.
Content type: Article
Collection(s) :Навчальна література кафедри біотехнічних систем

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