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Title: Container on barge technology: a case study of lower Danube
Other Titles: Технологія перевезення контейнерів на баржі (COB): дослідження нижнього Дунаю
Authors: Дрожжин, О. Л.
Drozhzhyn, O. L.
Affiliation: Odesa National Maritime University, Ukraine
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Drozhzhyn O. L. Container on barge technology: a case study of lower Danube / O. L. Drozhzhyn // Збірник тез доповідей Ⅵ Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції молодих учених та студентів „Актуальні задачі сучасних технологій“, 16-17 листопада 2017 року. — Т. : ТНТУ, 2017. — Том 3. — С. 5–6. — (Сучасні технології на транспорті).
Bibliographic description (International): Drozhzhyn O. L. (2017) Container on barge technology: a case study of lower Danube. Book of abstract the Ⅵ International scientific and technical conference of young researchers and students "Current issues in modern technologies" (Tern., 16-17 November 2017), vol. 3, pp. 5-6 [in English].
Is part of: Збірник тез доповідей Ⅵ Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції молодих учених та студентів „Актуальні задачі сучасних технологій“
Book of abstract the Ⅵ International scientific and technical conference of young researchers and students "Current issues in modern technologies"
Conference/Event: Ⅵ Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція молодих учених та студентів „Актуальні задачі сучасних технологій“
Journal/Collection: Збірник тез доповідей Ⅵ Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції молодих учених та студентів „Актуальні задачі сучасних технологій“
Volume: 3
Issue Date: 16-Νοε-2017
Date of entry: 25-Ιαν-2018
Publisher: ТНТУ
Place of the edition/event: Тернопіль
Temporal Coverage: 16-17 листопада 2017 року
16-17 November 2017
UDC: 656.621/.626
Number of pages: 2
Page range: 5-6
Start page: 5
End page: 6
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/23203
ISBN: 978-966-305-086-7
Copyright owner: © Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя, 2017
References (Ukraine): 1. E. Feldbacher et al. Twenty years of research on water management issues in the Danube Macro-region - past developments and future directions. Science of the Total Environment (2016).
2. G. C. Dumitrescu, (2015). Central and Eastern European Countries Focus on the Silk Road Economic Belt. Global Economic Observer, 3(1), 144.
3. G. Modiga, Georgeta. The Marketing of River Forwarding and Freight Services. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research 5.1 (2015).
4. O. Drozhzhyn, 丝路发展与治理创新:“一带一路”沿线国家社会发展国际学术会议论丛. Danube transit opportunities for container transportation in New Silk Road” experiment. [Silk Road Develop and Governance Innovation. Social Development International Symposium in “The belt and road” along countries]. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press (China) 224-232. ISBN 978-7-5201-0668-9, (2017)
5. O. Drozhzhyn. Present condition and problems in development of container transportation on the Danube. Visnik of the Volodymir Dahl East Ukrainian National University, #6 177 (2012).
6. P. Suvorov. Container transportation development by PJSC “Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company” fleet. Ports of Ukraine (2006).
7. S. Mihic, M.Mihajlovic, &I. Skiljaica, (2012). European policy for the promotion of inland waterway transport: A case study of the Danube River. African Journal of Business Management, 6(7), 2498.
8. S. Šoškiü, Z. Ĉekiü , &M. Kresojeviü. Analysis of River–Sea Transport in the Direction of the Danube–Black Sea and the Danube-Rhine River-River Main. Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation: Navigational Problems, 199. (2013).
9. V. Morozova, L. Suvorova. Perspectives of Ukrainian Fleet in transportation on inland waterways in Europe. Odessa, Odessa National Maritime University, 2005.
10. V.Maraš et al. Routing of barge container ships by mixed-integer programming heuristics. Applied Soft Computing, 2013, 13.8: 3515-3528.
11. Y. Kichuk, O. Rubel, (2013). Problems and Ways of Implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region for Ukraine. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 3 (1).
References (International): 1. E. Feldbacher et al. Twenty years of research on water management issues in the Danube Macro-region - past developments and future directions. Science of the Total Environment (2016).
2. G. C. Dumitrescu, (2015). Central and Eastern European Countries Focus on the Silk Road Economic Belt. Global Economic Observer, 3(1), 144.
3. G. Modiga, Georgeta. The Marketing of River Forwarding and Freight Services. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research 5.1 (2015).
4. O. Drozhzhyn, 丝路发展与治理创新:"一带一路"沿线国家社会发展国际学术会议论丛. Danube transit opportunities for container transportation in New Silk Road" experiment. [Silk Road Develop and Governance Innovation. Social Development International Symposium in "The belt and road" along countries]. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press (China) 224-232. ISBN 978-7-5201-0668-9, (2017)
5. O. Drozhzhyn. Present condition and problems in development of container transportation on the Danube. Visnik of the Volodymir Dahl East Ukrainian National University, #6 177 (2012).
6. P. Suvorov. Container transportation development by PJSC "Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company" fleet. Ports of Ukraine (2006).
7. S. Mihic, M.Mihajlovic, &I. Skiljaica, (2012). European policy for the promotion of inland waterway transport: A case study of the Danube River. African Journal of Business Management, 6(7), 2498.
8. S. Šoškiü, Z. Ĉekiü , &M. Kresojeviü. Analysis of River–Sea Transport in the Direction of the Danube–Black Sea and the Danube-Rhine River-River Main. Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation: Navigational Problems, 199. (2013).
9. V. Morozova, L. Suvorova. Perspectives of Ukrainian Fleet in transportation on inland waterways in Europe. Odessa, Odessa National Maritime University, 2005.
10. V.Maraš et al. Routing of barge container ships by mixed-integer programming heuristics. Applied Soft Computing, 2013, 13.8: 3515-3528.
11. Y. Kichuk, O. Rubel, (2013). Problems and Ways of Implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region for Ukraine. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 3 (1).
Content type: Conference Abstract
Εμφανίζεται στις συλλογές:Ⅵ Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція молодих учених та студентів „Актуальні задачі сучасних технологій“ (2017)

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