Defnyddiwch y dynodwr hwn i ddyfynnu neu i gysylltu â'r eitem hon:
Teitl: Investigation of the structural model of adapted machine for harvesting root crops
Awduron: Барановський, Віктор Миколайович
Паньків, Марія Романівна
Теслюк, Віктор Васильович
Affiliation: Тернопільський національний технічний університет ім. Івана Пулюя
Тернопільський національний технічний університет ім. Івана Пулюя
Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Baranovsky V.M. Investigation of the structural model of adapted machine for harvesting root crops / V.M. Baranovsky, M.R. Pankiv, V.V. Tesluk // Innovative solutions in modern science. – Dubai : Center for international cooperation TK Meganom, LLC. – 2016. – № 8(8). – pp. 70–80
Bibliographic description (International): Baranovsky V.M. Investigation of the structural model of adapted machine for harvesting root crops / V.M. Baranovsky, M.R. Pankiv, V.V. Tesluk // Innovative solutions in modern science. – Dubai : Center for international cooperation TK Meganom, LLC. – 2016. – № 8(8). – pp. 70–80
Journal/Collection: Innovative solutions in modern science.
Issue: 8
Volume: 8
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 2016
Date of entry: 30-Jun-2017
Cyhoeddwr: Dubai : Center for international cooperation TK Meganom, LLC.
Place of the edition/event: Dubai : Center for international cooperation TK Meganom, LLC.
UDC: 631.356.262
Allweddeiriau: technological process, heap of roots, material balance, flow, input weight, components of heap, combined purifier, balance of the masses, input mass.
Number of pages: 70-80
Crynodeb: Place your method development of deterministic mathematical models that describe the intensification of the process of separation of impurities heap root crops combined working bodies of transport and technological systems to adapt the machine for harvesting root crops. Based on the application of the transformation equations are obtained Laplasa transfer function in the operator form, which describe the functional processes of work of adapted the machine. A method is resulted developments of the determined mathematical models, which describe intensification of process of separation of admixtures from to the lots of root crops by the combined workings organs transport technological systems of the adapted machines are for harvesting of root crops.
Disgrifiad: Наведено теоретичний аналіз інтенсифікації процесу відокремлення складових компонента домішок вороху коренеплодів робочими органами адаптованої коренезбиральної машини. Розроблено математичну модель процесу очищення вороху коренеплодів на основі прямого та зворотного перетворення Лапласа.
URL for reference material:
References (Ukraine): 1. Pogorelyi L.V. Beetroot-lifting machine: history, design, theory, forecast/ L.V. Pogorelyi, M.V. Tatianko - K .: Phoenix, 2004. – 232 p. 2. Adamchuk V.V. About development and creation in Ukraine of agricultural machines of modern level / V.V. Adamchuk, Bulgakov, V.M., Ivanishin, V.V. // Collection of scientific labours of the Vinnytsya national agrarian university. Series: Engineerings sciences. – Tom 2 (66). – Issue 11. – Vinnytsya, 2012. – pp. 8–14. 3. Gevko R.B. Extractings and cleansing devices of beet-lifting machines: constructing and calculation / R.B. Gevko. – Ternopil, 1997. – 120 p. 4. Pogorelyi M. Conformities to law of development of beet-lifting technique and ground of rational outlines of domestic machines / Maksym Pogorelyi // Technique of APK. – 1999. – No 3. – pp. 8–12. 5. Bulgakov V.M. Theory beet-lifting machines: monograph / V.M. Bulgakov, M.I. Chernovol, N.A. Sviren. – Kirovograd, 2009. – 256 p. 6. Rogatinskiy R.M. Design of processes of co-operation of screw workings organs with root crops / R.M. Rogatinskiy // Announcer of the National agrarian university. – K., 1997. – T. 1. – pp. 103–108. 7. Valyukh O.A. Elementi theories of automatic control. Linear systems of continuous action / O.A. Valyukh, V.M. Maksimiv. – Lviv, 2002. – 123 p.
References (International): 1. Pogorelyi L.V. Beetroot-lifting machine: history, design, theory, forecast/ L.V. Pogorelyi, M.V. Tatianko - K .: Phoenix, 2004. – 232 p. 2. Adamchuk V.V. About development and creation in Ukraine of agricultural machines of modern level / V.V. Adamchuk, Bulgakov, V.M., Ivanishin, V.V. // Collection of scientific labours of the Vinnytsya national agrarian university. Series: Engineerings sciences. – Tom 2 (66). – Issue 11. – Vinnytsya, 2012. – pp. 8–14. 3. Gevko R.B. Extractings and cleansing devices of beet-lifting machines: constructing and calculation / R.B. Gevko. – Ternopil, 1997. – 120 p. 4. Pogorelyi M. Conformities to law of development of beet-lifting technique and ground of rational outlines of domestic machines / Maksym Pogorelyi // Technique of APK. – 1999. – No 3. – pp. 8–12. 5. Bulgakov V.M. Theory beet-lifting machines: monograph / V.M. Bulgakov, M.I. Chernovol, N.A. Sviren. – Kirovograd, 2009. – 256 p. 6. Rogatinskiy R.M. Design of processes of co-operation of screw workings organs with root crops / R.M. Rogatinskiy // Announcer of the National agrarian university. – K., 1997. – T. 1. – pp. 103–108. 7. Valyukh O.A. Elementi theories of automatic control. Linear systems of continuous action / O.A. Valyukh, V.M. Maksimiv. – Lviv, 2002. – 123 p.
Content type: Article
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