Перегляд зібрання "Кафедра біотехнічних систем (БТ)" за групою - Заголовки

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Результати від 1 до 20 із 235  далі >
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Article201925-чер-2019Adaptation of the Neyman-Pearson criteria for assessing the reliability of the choice of the method for determining the coefficients of the mathematical model of low-intensity electroretinosignalТимків (Tymkiv), Павло (Pavlo)
Conference Abstract201926-гру-2021Algorithm Reliability of Kalman Filter Coefficients Determination for Low-Intensity ElectroretinosignalТимків (Tymkiv), Павло (Pavlo); Лещишин (Leshchyshyn), Юрій (Yuriy)
Conference Abstract201920-тра-2019Algorithm Reliability of Kalman Filter Coefficients Determination for Low-Intensity ElectroretinosignalТимків (Tymkiv), Павло (Pavlo); Лещишин (Leshchyshyn), Юрій (Yuriy)
Conference Abstract30-кві-202418-чер-2024Algorithmic support of wavelet processing of pulse signals in the morlet basisYavorskyi, Ihor; Uniyat, Serhiy; Tkachuk, Roman; Khvostivskyi, Mykola
Conference Abstract28-лис-202328-лис-2023Algorithmical and Software Processing of PCG-signals for Diagnosing Stenosis of the Aortic Valve of the HeartDudar, Taras; Khvostivskyi, Mykola; Uniyat, Serhiy
Conference Abstract28-лис-202329-лис-2023Algorithmical and Software Processing of PCG-signals for Diagnosing Stenosis of the Aortic Valve of the HeartDudar, Taras; Khvostivskyi, Mykola; Uniyat, Serhiy
Conference Abstractтра-202023-чер-2020Application of Hooke-Jeeves algorithm for electroretinosignal processingТимків, Павло Олександрович; Tymkiv, Pavlo; Демчук, Любомир Богданович; Demchuk, L.B.
Monograph20-тра-202414-чер-2024Arterial Oscillography: New Capabilities of the Blood Pressure Monitor with the Oranta-AO Information SystemVakulenko, Dmytro; Vakulenko, Liudmyla; Hevko, Olena; Kadobnyj, Taras; Sas, Lesya
Article202321-вер-2023Assessing neurotoxicity risk through electroretinography with reduced light irritation intensityТимків, Павло; Бачинський, Михайло
Monograph20-тра-202412-чер-2024Chapter 36. Interrelation of Multimedia Simulation of Images of Elements with the State of Meridians and the Quality of Adaptation of the Vascular Hemodynamic Factor Based on the Results of the Analysis of Arterial Pulsations Recorded during Blood Pressure Measurement Using the Oranta-AO Information SystemVakulenko, Dmytro; Vakulenko, Liudmyla; Hevko, Olena; Kadobnyj, Taras
Monograph20-тра-202412-чер-2024Chapter 37. Prospect of Creating a Virtual Reality System with Feedback for the Correction of the Patient’s Psychological State Based on the Results of the Analysis of Arterial Pulsations Registered during Blood Pressure Measurement Using the Oranta-AO Information SystemVakulenko, Dmytro; Vakulenko, Liudmyla; Hevko, Olena
Monograph20-тра-202412-чер-2024Chapter 38. Systematic and Analytical Substantiation of the Use of Multimedia Environment for the Prevention And Rehabilitation of Various Diseases in Information System Oranta-AOVakulenko, Dmytro; Vakulenko, Liudmyla; Hevko, Olena
Article12-лис-201827-вер-2019Detection of biomedical signals disruption using a sliding windowНикитюк, Вячеслав Вячеславович; Дозорський, Василь Григорович; Дозорська, Оксана Федорівна; Nykytyuk, Vyacheslav; Dozorskyi, Vasyl; Dozorska, Oksana
Articleкві-202114-тра-2021Development of a simulation model of a photoplethysmographic signal under psychoemotional stressЯворська, Євгенія Богданівна; Стрембіцька, Оксана Іванівна; Стрембіцький, Михайло Олексійович; Паньків, Ірина Михайлівна
Monograph20-тра-202412-чер-2024Effectiveness Application of the Analysis of Arterial Pulsations Registered during Blood Pressure Measurement Using the Oranta-AO Information System in PsychophysiologyVakulenko, Dmytro; Vakulenko, Liudmyla; Sas, Lesya; Hevko, Olena
Articleгру-20206-сер-2021Evaluation of methods for determining abnormalities in cardiovascular system by pulse signal under psycho-emotional stress in dental practiceЯворська, Євгенія Богданівна; Стрембіцька, Оксана Іванівна; Стрембіцький, Михайло Олексійович; Хвостівська, Лілія Володимирівна
Article20181-жов-2019Main theoretical basis of biosignals modelingPalaniza, Yuri Bogdanovich; Dozorska, Oksana Fedorivna; Khvostivskiy, Mykola Orestovych; Dediv, Leonid Yevhenovych; Shadrina, Halyna Mykhaylivna
Article201829-бер-2018Main theoretical basis of biosignals modelingShadrina, Halyna Mykhaylivna; Khvostivskiy, Mykola Orestovich; Dediv, Leonid Yevhenovych; Dozorska, Oksana Fedorivna; Palaniza, Yuri Bogdanovich
Article201829-бер-2018Main theoretical basis of biosignals modelingPalaniza, Yuri Bogdanovich; Shadrina, Halyna Mykhaylivna; Khvostivskiy, Mykola Orestovych; Dediv, Leonid Yevhenovych; Dozorska, Oksana Fedorivna