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Tittel: Influence of technological schematics of induction surfacing on stability of deposited layer thickness
Alternative titler: Влияние технологических схем индукционной наплавки на стабильность толщины наплавленного слоя
Вплив технологічних схем індукційного наплавлення на стабільність товщини наплавленого шару
Authors: Pulka, Ch.V.
Senchishin, V.S.
Gavrilyuk, V.Ya
Bazar, M.S.
Пулька, Чеслав Вікторович
Сенчишин, Віктор Степанович
Гаврилюк, Володимир Ярославович
Базар, Мар’ян Степанович
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Pulka Ch.V. Senchishin V.S. Gavrilyuk V.Ya. Bazar M.S. Influence of technological schematics of induction surfacing on stability of deposited layer thickness The Paton Welding Journal, April 2013, No4, p. 61-63
Is part of: The Paton Welding Journal
Utgivelsesdato: 2013
Date of entry: 12-nov-2015
Emneord: induction surfacing
surfacing modes
thermal and electromagnetic shields
deposited layer thickness
horizontal vibration
Page range: 61-63
Abstrakt: Induction surfacing is applied in manufacture and repair of cutting tools of agricultural machinery. Deposited layers improve the tool wear resistance. Here it is important to take into account the deposited layer thickness. The paper presents the results of investigation of geometrical characteristics of a layer of metal deposited by induction process with wear-resistant powder-like consumables by four technological schematics. It is shown that application of shields, horizontal vibration and rotation of the surfaced part improves the stability of geometrical characteristics of the deposited metal layer by 22 %, compared to traditional induction surfacing. A procedure was developed for measurement of geometrical characteristics of the metal layer deposited by induction process, which allows increasing the measurement accuracy, as well as monitoring the stability of layer thickness at development of new technological processes of induction surfacing of thin flat parts. 8 Ref., 3 Figures.
References (Ukraine): 1. Ryabtsev, I.A. (2004) Surfacing of parts of machines and mechanisms. Kiev: Ekotekhnologiya.
2. Senchishin, V.S., Pulka, Ch.V. (2012) Modern methods of surfacing the tools of agricultural tillers and harvesting (Review). The Paton Welding J., 9, 43-49.
3. Pulka, Ch.V. (2006) Technological and energy efficiency of induction surfacing of thin steel disks: Thesis of Dr. of Eng. Sci. Kiev.
4. Bol, A.A. (1984) Development of induction surfacing in agricultural machinery engineering. Tekhnologiya, Issue 3, 38.
5. Pulka, Ch.V., Shably, O.N., Senchishin V.S. et al. (2012) Influence of vibration of parts in surfacing on structure and properties of metal. The Paton Welding J., 1, 23-25.
6. Pulka, Ch.V., Gavrilyuk, V.Ya., Senchishin, V.S. (2013) Improvement of equipment and technology of induction surfacing. Svarochn. Proizvodstvo (in the press).
7. Kolker, Ya.D. (1976) Mathematical analysis of the accuracy of part machining. Kiev: Tekhnika.
8. Barabashchuk, V.I., Kredentser, B.P., Miroshnichenko, V.I. (1984) Experiment planning in engineering. Kiev: Tekhnika.
Content type: Article
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