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Títol: The effect of operating loading on stress-strain state of power plant superheater collector
Autor: Yasniy, Petro
Pyndus, Yuriy
Brevus, Vitaly
Бревус, Віталій Миколайович
Ясній, Петро Володимирович
Пиндус, Юрій Іванович
Data de publicació: 28-de -2015
Date of entry: 28-de -2015
Institution defense: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Paraules clau: superheater header
thermo-mechanical loading
12Cr1MoV steel
Resum: The stress-strain stAbstract: The stress-strain state analyses were performed in critical locations of power plant superheater collector (thick-walled cylinder with radial holes, 12Cr1MoV steel) using finite element methodology . This unit operates under internal pressure 14 MPa and temperature 540 оС difference in tube wall on thickness. The segment of collector was modeled according symmetry conditions. Physical and mechanical properties of heat-resistant low-alloy steel 12Cr1MoV were used for the three-dimensional model. Stretching load applied to cylinder edges, that is equivalent internal steam pressure on collector caps. We change the temperature of the inner and outer walls of the collector model. Stated that cylinder stress-strain state affects the difference between the external and internal temperature regardless of its maximum value from 500 оС up to 600 оС.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5577
URL for reference material: http://ntnuv.no/wp-content/uploads/conference_abstracts/5/118Abstract00453.pdf
Content type: Article
Apareix a les col·leccions:Наукова діяльність Яснія П. В.
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