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Результати 1-53 зі 53 (час пошуку: 0.002 секунди).
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Знайдені матеріали:
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Conference Abstract9-лис-20186-гру-2018The BCG matrix and Marketing strategies of AppleBofasa, Cedrick Bokuli
Conference Abstract22-тра-201815-чер-2018Computer aided process designing of manufacturing workpieces by sheet metal formingПилипець, М.; Данильченко, Л.; Pylypets, M.; Danylchenko, L.
Conference Abstract26-кві-20186-чер-2018Determinants of economic security of the enterpriseІваськів, Н.; Ivaskiv, N.
Conference Abstract26-кві-20186-чер-2018Near field communicationЯценко, Д.; Yatsenko, D.
Conference Abstract26-кві-20186-чер-2018Internet of thingsКивацький, І.; Kyvatskyi, I.
Conference Abstract26-кві-20186-чер-2018Benefits & risks of artificial intelligenceЛуцишин, Р.
Conference Abstract26-кві-20186-чер-2018Innovative methods of foreign language training of specialistsРезніченко, А.; Reznichenko, A.
Conference Abstract2-тра-20183-лип-2018Methods of organizing the training process on mathematics, achieving the academic adaptation of foreign students at the universityВотякова, Марина; Votyakova, Marina
Conference Abstract29-бер-201816-лис-2018The link between environment and poverty while achieving global sustainabilityKramar, Iryna
Conference Abstract29-бер-201816-лис-2018The idea of environmental justicePłachciak, Adam
Conference Abstract29-бер-201816-лис-2018Reverse logistics in official statistics databasesZielińska, Anetta
Conference Abstract29-бер-201816-лис-2018Service quality management model and relationship marketingKwiatkowski, Cezary
Conference Abstract29-бер-201816-лис-2018A case study of umbrella organizations in Poland – Karkonoski Regional Council for the People with Disabilities (KSON) in Jelenia GoraPrudzienica, Maja
Conference Abstract1-лют-201820-лют-2018Telegram messages application as a tool of teaching englishDenysiuk, N.; Plavutska, I.; Fedak, S.
Conference Abstract28-лис-201818-лют-2019Relative glazing area of window embrasure of triangular configurationБурмака, В. О.; Тарасенко, М. Г.; Козак, Катерина Миколаївна; Burmaka, V. O.; Tarasenko, M. G.; Kozak, K. M.
Conference Abstract22-тра-201815-чер-2018Factors influencing the value of spring back of sheet material in bendingВасильків, В.; Данильченко, Л.; Vasylkiv, V.; Danylchenko, L.
Conference Abstract22-тра-201815-чер-2018Paying taxes 2018 indicator: evaluating the cost and administrative burden of the taxesМариненко, Наталія Юріївна; Крамар, Ірина Юріївна; Marynenko, N. Yu.; Kramar, I. Yu.
Conference Abstract30-січ-201815-бер-2018Led light sources in the world and namibiaMalulu, Simon. I.
Conference Abstract12-гру-201810-січ-2019Ways of using online dictionaries for foreign language studyFedak, S.; Denysiuk, N.
Conference Abstract12-гру-201810-січ-2019Research of wifi systems protection efficiencyBrima, K.; Opurum, I.; Zolotyi, R.
Conference Abstract12-гру-201810-січ-2019Use of instagram social network to promote businessMaschak, A.; Plavutska, I. R.
Conference Abstract12-гру-201810-січ-2019Docker virtualization and containerization technologyLutsyshyn, R.; Perenchuk, O.
Conference Abstract30-січ-201815-бер-2018About proposed metrics of light and lightingНазаренко, Леонід; Nazarenko, Leonid
Conference Abstract30-січ-201815-бер-2018Smart street lighting system in a modern cityКозак, Катерина Миколаївна; Хомишин, Віктор Григорович; Kozak, Kateryna; Homyshyn, Viktor
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Problems and tasks of industrial networksStein, D.; Stein, D.
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Laser security system with GSMShiyar, Ali
Conference Abstract2-тра-20183-лип-2018Teaches’ training experience of Germany: lessens for UkraineРокіцька, Наталія Володимирівна; Rokitska, Nataliya
Conference Abstract2-тра-20183-лип-2018Increasing the competitiveness of ukrainian universities in conditions of modern educational marketКругленко, Людмила; Поляковська, Ольга; Kruhlenko, Lyudmyla; Poliakovska, Olha
Conference Abstract2-тра-20183-лип-2018The role of exercises on mobile devices in learning russian as a foreign languageСорокіна, Маріанна; Sorokina, Marianna
Conference Abstract2-тра-20183-лип-2018“quality education” as a tool to ensure society sustainable developmentКрамар, Ірина Юріївна; Крамар, Галина Михайлівна; Мариненко, Наталія Юріївна; Kramar, Iryna; Kramar, Halyna; Marynenko, Natalia
Conference Abstract2-тра-20183-лип-2018Song as a method of learning ukrainian as a foreign languageЗахарків, Ірина; Zakharkiv, Iryna
Conference Abstract2-тра-20183-лип-2018The strategies of higher education internationalization in the context of providing the competitiveness of the national educational modelВербицька, Анна; Verbytska, Anna
Conference Abstract28-лис-201818-лют-2019Comparative analysis of economic perfomance of Ukraine and the Democratic Republic of CongoКалунга, М.; Ціх, Галина Володимирівна; Kalunga, M.; Tsikh, H. V.
Conference Abstract28-лис-201818-лют-2019Some innovative modern methods and technologies ESPБаб’як, Жанна Володимирівна; Перенчук, О. З.; Babiak, Z. V.; Perenchuk, O. Z.
Conference Abstract22-тра-201815-чер-2018Investigation of joining zinc-coated steel sheets by laser welding for automotive industryViňáš, Ján; Brezinová, Janette; Brezina, Jakub
Conference Abstract22-тра-201815-чер-2018The study of the influence of surface pretreatment on the properties of plasma coatingsViňáš, Ján; Draganovská, Dagmar
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Features of the high-speed machining of the hard materialsЕбенезер, Едусеі; Ebenezer, Adusei
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Aspirin – friend or foe?Matsyutsya, Katerina
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Investigation of the process variables in the high-speed machining of work piecesАхмед, Хассан; Ahmed, Hassan
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Challenges of new drug development process in bipharmaceutical contextУдовенко, М.; Udovenko, M.
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Organic perfume against synthetic fragrancesСавіна, Ю. С.; Savina, Y. S.
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018A pill for long-term drug releaseЯнковський, Я.; Yankovsky, Y.
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Anti-obesity drug that shrinks fat without suppressing appetiteХодьков, П.; Hodkov, P.
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Parameters affecting the performance of immobilized enzymeAhtyamova, D.
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018HPMC- of capsule of VcapsPlus are capsules of new generationКисорець, А. В.; Kisorets, A. V.
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Nutritional supplementsХашемі, Д. Г.; Hashemi, D. G.
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Tesla IncШевченко, Л.; Shevchenko, L.
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Determination of the vitamin-mineral composition of drugs by atomic absorption spectroscopyКишка, О. С.; Kishka, Olga
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Gene editing mechanism of CRISPR/Cas9Повшедна, І. О.; Povshedna, I. O.
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018"Smart" packagingЗаінчковська, Н.; Zainchkovska, N.
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Investigation of machining parameters in the design of CNC technologiesДухаір, Юсіф; Duhair, Yousif
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Shimmering lip gloss or chemical components in simple objectsАнтагулова, Л.; Antagulova, L.
Conference Abstract22-тра-201815-чер-2018Simulation of processes of manufacturing workpieces by sheet metal formingДанильченко, Л.; Радик, Дмитро Леонідович; Danylchenko, L.; Radyk, D.
Результати 1-53 зі 53 (час пошуку: 0.002 секунди).
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