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Titel: Methodology and organization of scientific researches (supporting lecture notes for students of direction "Management" of all forms of education)
Författare: Федишин, Ірина Богданівна
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Fedyshyn I.B. Methodology and organization of scientific researches (supporting lecture notes for students of direction "Management" of all forms of education) / compiler. : I.B. Fedyshyn. – Ternopil : TIPNTU, 2016. – 73 p.
Utgivningsdatum: 27-jan-2017
Date of entry: 27-jan-2017
Nyckelord: Methodology and organization of scientific researches
Sammanfattning: The supporting lecture notes «Methodology and organization of scientific researches» is for students who are taking different Master courses. It offers notions, concepts and instruments of science research to help scholars in investigating topics connected with vast spheres of social sciences including economics. The study book concentrates primarily on methods of data collecting and data analyzing which is extremely important for students in social sciences including economics. The main advantage of the study book is the focus on creative thinking development and autonomous data search for researching of important socio-economic problems.
Copyright owner: © Федишин І.Б., 2016
Content type: Learning Object
Samling:Навчальна література кафедри управління інноваційною діяльністю та сферою послуг

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