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Tittel: Effect of strain localization at the crack tip and material hydrogenation on fracture toughness of heat resistant steel
Authors: Maruschak, Pavlo Orestovich
Okipnyi, Igor
Panin, Sergey
Konovalenko, Igor Volodimirovich
Марущак, Павло Орестович
Окіпний, Ігор
Панін, Сєргєй
Коноваленко, Ігор Володимирович
Utgivelsesdato: 27-nov-2012
Date of entry: 27-nov-2012
Emneord: fracture
fatigue crack
strain localization
thermomechanical loading
Abstrakt: The fracture toughness of steel 15Kh2MFA(II) after the PTL was investigated. It was established that the crack start is a multilevel process, in which the defining role is played by the turning modes of deformation. Regardless of the PTL modes in air and in the aggressive medium (electrolytic hydrogen), the resistance to brittle failure of the steel investigated increases as compared to static fracture toughness of the material in the initial state.
Beskrivelse: Maruschak P., Okipnyi I., Panin S., Konovalenko I. Effect of strain localization at the crack tip and material hydrogenation on fracture toughness of heat resistant steel// Multiscaling and Mesomechanics Aspects of Globalization in Science and Culture. – Budapest, Hungary.– 2012.– pp.175-178.
Content type: Article
Vises i samlingene:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри автоматизації технологічних процесів та виробництв

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