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dc.contributor.authorYuzevych, Volodymyr-
dc.contributor.authorPavlenchyk, Anatolii-
dc.contributor.authorLozovan, Vitalii-
dc.contributor.authorMykhalitska, Natalia-
dc.contributor.authorBets, Marianа-
dc.identifier.citationYuzevych, V., Pavlenchyk, A., Lozovan, V., Mykhalitska, N., & Bets, M. (2020). Diagnostics of Temperature Regime of Technological Environments of Underground Pipelines in the Monitoring System of Oil and Gas Enterprises for Providing of Safe Exploitation // International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(1), 1301–1307. (ISSN 2277-3878).uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe diagnosed density of corrosion was diagnosed on the outer surface of the underground metal pipeline, depending on the distance L to the compressor station, taking into account the influence of soil, defects, thermal impulses, mechanical vibrational vibrations and corrosion fatigue. The basic relations of the mathematical model for the description of thermal processes and mechanical vibrational vibrations that lead to low-cycle corrosion fatigue in the pipe are proposed. It is noted that the measurement of corrosion currents and polarization potentials at the boundary of the metal pipeline–soil can be detected by devices of types BVS (noncontact current meter), VPP-M (polarization potential meter) and equipment for for diagnostic inspections and monitoring of corrosion protection of underground pipelines (UGPL). Consider for compare the distribution of corrosion current densities and accidents for the pipeline at a distance of L=0..30 km from the compressor station. It is found that the correlation coefficient between them KLD=0,76 is not enough to establish causation. A difference is formed in which the corresponding corrosion current density distribution for a non-oscillating temperature background is subtracted from the total corrosion current density distribution in the range L=0…30 km. In this case, the part of the distribution that is related to the frequency of thermal pulses is highlighted.The correlation coefficient of KWD=0.92 is established between the part of the distribution that is related to the frequency of thermal pulses and the distribution of accidents for the pipeline at a distance of L=0…30 km from the compressor station. Based on KWD, it can be argued that the causal relationship between the distribution of heat pulses and accidents is quite plausible. The noted information is important for improving the methods of operation of compressor stations of oil and gas enterprises, taking into account changes in the frequency of heat pulses with regard to improving the quality of by-laws on labor protection regarding gas supply systems.uk_UA
dc.subjectunderground pipelineuk_UA
dc.subjectoil and gas enterprisesuk_UA
dc.subjectthermal impulsesuk_UA
dc.subjectthermal backgrounduk_UA
dc.subjectcorrosion currentuk_UA
dc.titleDiagnostics of Temperature Regime of Technological Environments of Underground Pipelines in the Monitoring System of Oil and Gas Enterprises for Providing of Safe Exploitationuk_UA
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dc.citation.journalTitleInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)-
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