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dc.contributor.authorLyashuk, Оleh-
dc.contributor.authorVovk, Yriy-
dc.contributor.authorSokil, Bohdan-
dc.contributor.authorKlendii, Volodymyr-
dc.contributor.authorIvasechko, Roman-
dc.contributor.authorDovbush, Taras-
dc.identifier.citationLyashuk, O., Y. Vovk, B. Sokil, V. Klendii, R. Ivasechko, and T. Dovbush. 2019. Mathematical model of a dynamic process of transporting a bulk material by means of a tube scraping conveyor. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 21(1): 74–81.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe results of theoretical studies of simultaneous transporting the components of feed mixtures along the curvilinear paths of tubular conveyors are presented in this article. The mathematical model of a technological process of moving a bulk material (grain) by means of a cable with a connected scraper is proposed. The model is presented as a system of elastic one-dimensional bodies, which are seamlessly moved by a bulk material. Nonlinear differential equations with partial derivatives that describe the dynamics of horizontal and vertical lines of a tube conveyor under the corresponding boundary conditions are deduced. Based on the results, the technique of determining the technological parameters, which ensure the reduction of energy consumption while bulk materials with the given quality of feed mixtures, is proposed.uk_UA
dc.publisherMathematical model of a dynamic process of transporting a bulk materialuk_UA
dc.subjectmathematical modeluk_UA
dc.subjectbulk mediumuk_UA
dc.titleMathematical model of a dynamic process of transporting a bulk material by means of a tube scraping conveyoruk_UA
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