Перегляд зібрання "Матеріали конференцій, семінарів, читань" за групою - Заголовки

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Результати від 128 до 147 із 22722 < назад   далі >
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Article25-вер-20065-чер-2016Damage analysis of pressure pipes under high temperature and variable pressure conditionsArsenos, P.; Zafiris, K.; Kartsonaki, E.; Kouskouti, M.; Kyriakos, K.; Papassalouros, D.; Pavlou, D.; Vlachakis, N. V.
Conference Abstract19-вер-201713-жов-2017Damaging of a structural steel under monotonic and cyclic deformationPisarenko, G. G.; Voynalovich, O. V.; Mailo, A. M.
Conference Abstract7-гру-202219-січ-2023Data quality management in ETL process under resource constraintsКашосі, А.; Кишкевич, О.; Загородна, Наталія; Kashosi, A.; Kyshkevych, O.; Zagorodna, N.
Conference Abstract7-гру-202215-лют-2023Datafication: the problem beneath the surfaceNaida, A. O.; Moroz, L. B.
Article17-лис-201624-бер-2017Daylighting and energy savingsKozak, K. M.; Homyshyn, V. G.
Article25-вер-20065-чер-2016Defect in a cylindrical shell under pressureHakimi, Abdelhadi El; Hariri, Said; Laksimi, Abdelouahed; Azari, Zitouni
Article25-вер-20065-чер-2016Design index, U-function and its coefficients in life-time (PRE)determination of machine elements and machineries for dynamic loadingLadislav, Várkoly
Article25-кві-201726-лип-2017Design of cutting machineМухамед, М.; Mohamed, M.
Article25-кві-201726-лип-2017Design of device to avoid obstaclesShiyar, Ali
Conference Abstract26-кві-20186-чер-2018Determinants of economic security of the enterpriseІваськів, Н.; Ivaskiv, N.
Conference Abstract26-кві-201830-тра-2018Determination of the vitamin-mineral composition of drugs by atomic absorption spectroscopyКишка, О. С.; Kishka, Olga
Proceedings Bookчер-202116-чер-2021Determining stress intensity factors of mode I for the crack in rectangular cross-section of thin-walled beamPidgurskyi, Mykola; Stashkiv, Mykola; Pidgurskyi, Ivan
Conference Abstract28-тра-20199-лип-2019Development and application of composites based on polytrifluorochlorethyleneBurya, Olexandr; Kalinichenko, Serhii; Tomina, Anna-Mariia; Rogatinsky, Roman
Article17-лис-201624-бер-2017Development and implentation of a business process modeling case study of a planning, monitoring and evaluation department of an organizationБандзоукасса, Ісіс Евангеліне; Млинко, Б. Б.; Bandzoukassa, Isis Evangeline; Mlynko, B. B.
Conference Abstract10-жов-201915-лис-2019Development of conditions for germination of rape seeds with the introduction of enzyme preparationsOurbanchik, Alena; Masaltseva, Alesy; Урбанчик, Елена; Масальцева, Алеся
Article19-кві-201211-бер-2016Development of food industry in UkraineБосак, А.
Conference Abstract10-жов-201915-лис-2019Development of functional ice cream with the use of plant componentsPaulistava, Natalia; Павлистова, Наталья
Article8-жов-201521-гру-2015Development of instrumental analytical approaches based on the principles of biosensorics for control of quality of milk and milk productsStarodub, Nickolaj F.; Ruban, Julia; Taran, Marina V.; Shpyrka, N.; Witer, R.
Article17-лис-201624-бер-2017Development of program module placed on multi-layer concept in MatlabІшола, Адеєє Нафіу; Млинко, Б. Б.; Ishola, Adeyeye Nafiu; Mlynko, B. B.
Conference Abstract8-гру- 2123-бер-2022Development of secured cloud data processing environmentsАбоах, Г.; Рувімбо, Р.; Соболь, В.; Луцків, Андрій; Aboah, H.; Ruwimbo, R.; Sobol, V.; Lutskiv, A.