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Результати від 397 до 416 із 42998 < назад   далі >
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Learning Object201717-чер-2017The course of lectures and practical cases on discipline “Strategic Management” for the 4th year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors).Котовська, Ірина Василівна
Learning Object201714-чер-2017The course of lectures of discipline “Organization of manager’s work” for the 3rd year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Луциків, Іванна Василівна
Learning Object201614-чер-2017The course of lectures on discipline “Brand management” for the 4th year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Луциків, Іванна Василівна
Learning Object201614-чер-2017The course of lectures on discipline “Customer Relationship Management” for the 3rd year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Луциків, Іванна Василівна
Learning Object201614-чер-2017The course of lectures on discipline “Environmental Management” for the 4th year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Луциків, Іванна Василівна
Course of lectures201620-чер-2018Course of lectures on “Fundamentals of management”Мосій, Ольга Бориславівна
Course of lectures201725-чер-2018Course of lectures on “Organization theory”-
Article25-вер-20065-чер-2016Crack emanation from defects modelled by extremely small drilled holes in two conditionsVuherer, T.; Hlado, V.; Hutsaylyuk, V.; Maruschak, P.; Yasniy, P.; Gliha, V.
Laboratory Instructions202120-бер-2023Creating a 3D model from a 2D drawingRadyk, Dmytro; Vasylkiv, Vasyl; Danylchenko, Larysa; Радик, Дмитро Леонідович; Васильків, Василь Васильович; Данильченко, Лариса Миколаївна
Laboratory Instructions202120-бер-2023Creating a 3D model modeRadyk, Dmytro; Vasylkiv, Vasyl; Danylchenko, Larysa; Радик, Дмитро Леонідович; Васильків, Василь Васильович; Данильченко, Лариса Миколаївна
Laboratory Instructions202120-бер-2023Creating a parametric drawing in the automatic parameterization modeVasylkiv, Vasyl; Radyk, Dmytro; Danylchenko, Larysa; Васильків, Василь Васильович; Радик, Дмитро Леонідович; Данильченко, Лариса Миколаївна
Laboratory Instructions202120-бер-2023Creating Parametric DrawingVasylkiv, Vasyl; Radyk, Dmytro; Danylchenko, Larysa; Васильків, Василь Васильович; Радик, Дмитро Леонідович; Данильченко, Людмила Миколаївна
Article21-бер-20235-лип-2023Creation and substantiation of the matrix for model series of tubular propeller turbines for small hydropower plantsЗінь, Мирослав Михайлович; Коваль, Вадим Петрович; Тарасенко, Микола Григорович; Сисак, Іван Михайлович; Zin, Myroslav; Koval, Vadym; Tarasenko, Mykola; Sysak, Ivan
Article8-жов-201521-гру-2015Creation of a new alcoholic beveragesShelegova, N.; Шелегова, Наталья
Article27-бер-201527-січ-2016Creation of wine products` logotype of the Republic of Moldova in the conditions of export-oriented economyГенова, Світлана; Genova, Svetlana
Article202327-гру-2023Criteria and approaches to assessing enterprise strategyChernobay, Liana
Article4-жов-202215-лют-2023Criterion assessment of the efficiency of injection equipment during the injection of powdered ferroalloysНізяєв, Костянтин Георгійович; Хотюн, Вадим Іванович; Niziaiev, Kostiantyn; Khotiun, Vadym
Conference Abstract26-вер-201619-бер-2018Criterion Damkohler as parameter defining mathematical description of non-stationary operating mode of CSTRLucheyko, Igor Dmytrovych
Articleтра-201428-тра-2014Critical analysis of the influence of transnational capitalism on institutions and organizationsVargas-Hernández, José G.
Article25-вер-20065-чер-2016Critical plane approach in stage i and stage ii of fatigue under multiaxial loadingKarolczuk, A.; Macha, E.